f-f / gogolica

Auto-generated Google APIs for Clojure
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Handle HTTP errors/retries #21

Open f-f opened 6 years ago

f-f commented 6 years ago

Google specifies some guidelines about handling errors, which we should follow:

When uploading media, be sure to follow these best practices related to error handling:

  • Resume or retry uploads that fail due to connection interruptions or any 5xx errors, including:

    • 500 Internal Server Error
    • 502 Bad Gateway
    • 503 Service Unavailable
    • 504 Gateway Timeout
  • Use an exponential backoff strategy if any 5xx server error is returned when resuming or retrying upload requests. These errors can occur if a server is getting overloaded. Exponential backoff can help alleviate these kinds of problems when there is a high volume of requests or heavy network traffic.

  • When you receive an error other than a 5xx error, you do not need to use an exponential backoff strategy. Instead, limit the number of times you retry the request. For example, your code could report an error to the user after retrying a request 10 times.