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ngs.markerGroup #28

Open Marcel-Salier opened 2 years ago

Marcel-Salier commented 2 years ago

Usually the grouping get errors and if we remove some images go through. Not sure if this is the same situation.

error Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [48], in <cell line: 1>() ----> 1 ngs.markerGroup(n_groups = 5)

File c:\users\bb_lab\documents\github2\ng_tools\ngtools\segmentation.py:1859, in Segmentador.markerGroup(self, n_groups) 1857 if ch == self.data["dna_marker"]: 1858 continue -> 1859 img_concat = cv2.vconcat([self.data["files"][file]['working_array'][self.data["channels_info"][ch]] for file in files]) 1860 img_flatten = img_concat.flatten() 1861 img_sampled = np.random.choice(img_flatten, replace=False, size = self.data["files"][files[0]]['masks'].size)

error: OpenCV(4.6.0) D:\a\opencv-python\opencv-python\opencv\modules\core\src\matrix_operations.cpp:112: error: (-215:Assertion failed) src[i].dims <= 2 && src[i].cols == src[0].cols && src[i].type() == src[0].type() in function 'cv::vconcat'