f-miyu / Plugin.CloudFirestore

MIT License
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Can not resolve reference: `System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions`, referenced by `System.Reactive`. Please add a NuGet package or assembly reference for `System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions`, or remove the reference to `System.Reactive`. #33

Closed sobby01 closed 4 years ago

sobby01 commented 4 years ago

I am facing this issue after this plugin as nuget.

Plugin Version : 3.0.1 System.Reactive: 4.3.2 System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions : 4.5.4

I have tried to downgrade the Reactive version but then duplicate jar issue came.

f-miyu commented 4 years ago

I guess it is same issue as the following. https://github.com/dotnet/reactive/issues/803

It is fixed in latest Visual Studio.

sobby01 commented 4 years ago

After upgrading to visual studio 2019, I am facing this issue :

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error Compilation can't be completed because some library classes are missing. R8

I have deleted the plugin reference and then it is working fine and my app is getting loaded properly but after adding the plugin in VS2019 above issue is occurring.

sobby01 commented 4 years ago

I somehow managed to build the project by manually adding Xamarin.Google.Guava nuget of version 27.1.0 and now it is working fine and I am able to fetch my documents,

Is this plugin also support authorization. Only authorized users can get the documents and update it. I am able to login into firebase and getting back the userid but I am not sure how the plugin will get the usercontext from firebase app ?

f-miyu commented 4 years ago

You can use Plugin.FirebaseAuth for authorization.

sobby01 commented 4 years ago

Issue is resolved and Thanks for the plugin. I am able to upload the document and Fetch it as well. I am marking this issue as closed.