f-miyu / Plugin.CloudFirestore

MIT License
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JavalLang.IllegalStateException Make sure to call InitializeApp #89

Open MickCG opened 2 years ago

MickCG commented 2 years ago

After looking down through the similar problems, I saw the following: Plugin.CurrentActivity.CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Init(this, savedInstanceState); Which I added to the MainActivity.cs file in the Android Project. I want to make clear this app was working so I'm a little worried that in the interveaning 10 months since the last update something has changed internally in a dependency and now this plugin is broke?

So I have another question, is anyone using this on a new project? Does it work anymore and if not what are you now using and can you direct me to some other plugin? With only around 7K of downloads one wonders?

thimakulani commented 2 years ago

change the minimum sdk to 23 on the manifest