f-miyu / Plugin.CloudFirestore

MIT License
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Can't resolve the reference 'System.Boolean Firebase.CloudFirestore.FirestoreSettings::get_TimestampsInSnapshotsEnabled() #99

Closed AlexanderVanMeerten closed 2 years ago

AlexanderVanMeerten commented 2 years ago

Error MT2101: Can't resolve the reference 'System.Boolean Firebase.CloudFirestore.FirestoreSettings::get_TimestampsInSnapshotsEnabled()', referenced from the method 'System.Void Plugin.CloudFirestore.FirestoreSettings::.cctor()' in 'Firebase.CloudFirestore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. (MT2101) (Xaminals.iOS)

iOS Link Frameworks and SDK only Plugin version 4.1.0

angelru commented 2 years ago

@f-miyu could you update? thanks!

AlexanderVanMeerten commented 2 years ago

@f-miyu thanks!