f-miyu / Plugin.FirebaseAuth

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Xamarin IOS compilation error Plugin.FirebaseAuth.UserWrapper #41

Open AitorZitu opened 2 years ago

AitorZitu commented 2 years ago


Our android App compiles and runs normally. However, we are facing problems when compiling our application on IOS with an error that refers to the Firebase.Auth plugin. The error is the following:

Gravedad Código Descripción Proyecto Archivo Línea Estado suprimido Error Can't resolve the reference 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 Firebase.Auth.User::ReauthenticateAndRetrieveDataAsync(Firebase.Auth.AuthCredential)', referenced from the method 'System.Void Plugin.FirebaseAuth.UserWrapper/d__29::MoveNext()' in 'Firebase.Auth, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Aioro.iOS

XCode version 13.4

Xamarin ios SDK

Plugin.FirebaseAuth 4.1.0

Xamarin Forms Version:

Visual Studio: 16.11.15

MAC S.O Monterey 12.3