f-miyu / Plugin.FirebaseStorage

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Using Secondary Buckets #7

Open mrobraven opened 3 years ago

mrobraven commented 3 years ago

How is it that I can make use of buckets that aren't the default one?

I have tried: CrossFirebaseStorage.Current.Instance.GetReferenceFromUrl("gs://vocalminds-profile-images");

But it returns "The supplied bucketname does not match the storage bucket of the current instance."

I have made sure that the bucket is accessible and working and have connected it to the JS library using" firebase.storage().refFromURL("gs://vocalminds-profile-images");

angelru commented 3 years ago

@mrobraven any solution?

mrobraven commented 3 years ago

@angelru still looking for a solution. I have run into the same problem with the Realtime Database when I was writing an interface for the Xamarin.Firebase.Database and Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.Database libraries. I think this may just be something that isn't possible on the firebase API at the minute using the google-services JSON and PLIST for authentication