f-miyu / Plugin.FirebaseStorage

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Having trouble uploading an image to a bucket and the bucket creating the sub folder #8

Closed robertmaxted closed 3 years ago

robertmaxted commented 3 years ago

So I'd like to be able to upload an Image to a sub folder IE: mybucket/drivers/cars_id/car1.jpg

var reference = CrossFirebaseStorage.Current.Instance.RootReference.Child($"drivers").Child($"{cars_id}").Child("car1.jpg");

I have also tried:

var reference = CrossFirebaseStorage.Current.Instance.RootReference.Child($"drivers/{cars_id}/car1.jpg");

This is where I put the image:

await reference.PutFileAsync(CarImage);

I manually created the folder drivers in the firebase console. I want to add folders on the fly from code because the cars_id is attached to one driver which can have many car images. as an example. Yet when I put the file I get mybucket > drivers > car1.jpg. It doesn't auto create the cars_id folder. Can anyone please advise me on how to do this?

Kind regards, Rob.

P.s @f-miyu I'm a huge fan of your work! Thankyou for providing these packages! :)