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write iavl interpreter for RawStore #173

Closed martyall closed 4 years ago

martyall commented 4 years ago

There is docker image you can get here to run it as a service https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/foamspaceorg/iavl

(@blinky3713 fill in details on how to start the container)

> docker run -p 8090:8090 -p 8091:8091 foamspace/iavl:latest /iavlserver -db-name DATABASE_NAME -datadir "." -grpc-endpoint "" -gateway-endpoint ""

We will need to also add this to the compose file(s) for the example apps

There's gonna be some work to take care of the Scoped RawStore stuff. If it's unclear, ask @blinky3713

What about the cache? In the case of checkTx throw it away, in the case of deliverTx throw it away at the end of processing.

charlescrain commented 4 years ago
