f-o-a-m / kepler

A Haskell framework that facilitates writing ABCI applications
Apache License 2.0
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Proposal: Storage Overhaul #262

Open UnitylChaos opened 3 years ago

UnitylChaos commented 3 years ago

As a result of the conclusions reached in cosmos/cosmos-sdk#7100, the Cosmos-SDK is undergoing a switch away from the IAVL library which is going to impact the long term usability of Kepler in the Cosmos ecosystem. Currently Kepler relies on a gRPC based IAVL service to provide state storage and commitment, it is unlikely that this service will be updated or maintained in the future.

The Cosmos-SDK is moving to a decoupled storage model, where one module provides state storage, and another provides state commitments. Under this scheme the commitments will be provided by a "Sparse Merkle Tree", through the LazyLedger SMT Library, while the storage will be provided by an in-process KVStore (specific library TBD). Part of the rationale for this change is to allow for easy benchmarking of alternative storage or commitment modules, with a clear pathway to upgrading while maintaining the same standardized interface.

I am proposing that Kepler follow suit, and build support for this decoupled model, including SMT based commitments. In (very) rough draft this would require:

Completing this overhaul will improve the speed and efficiency of Kepler, as well as simplify future feature upgrades such as State Syncing and IBC compatibility.

I would appreciate feedback on the proposed ideas, both from the FOAM team and anyone else who is or will be a user of Kepler. I have spoken with @hxrts about applying for ICF grant funding to support this and other contributions to Kepler (such as State Syncing or IBC), so I would like to make sure that my proposed changes will be beneficial not just to my own dependent project but to others as well.

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JonathanLorimer commented 3 years ago

This sounds really cool, i'd be happy to help out on some of this!