f00b4r / nusoap

:smirk: Fixed NuSOAP for PHP 5.6 - 8.2
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Migrating from PHP Soap module: Cannot use stdclass as array #111

Open qroac opened 11 months ago

qroac commented 11 months ago

On request of a user I started migrating my Nextcloud auth app for ISPConfig from php-soap to this library. https://github.com/SpicyWeb-de/nextcloud-user-ispconfig/issues/13 Without depending on php-soap, the app can be more easily used in shared hosting environments, so I see nusoap as big enhancement.

Migration went quite smooth so far. I struggle just with one API call that is required to change users passwords. The server responds with

array(2) {
  string(15) "SOAP-ENV:Server"
  string(43) "Cannot use object of type stdClass as array"

Here is my migration:

// Original call
// $rowsUpdated = $this->soap->mail_user_update($this->session, $remoteUid, $mailuser['mailuser_id'], $params);
// nusoap call
$rowsUpdated = $this->nusoap->call('mail_user_update', [$this->nusession, $remoteUid, $mailuser['mailuser_id'], $mailuser]);

This appears only with the nusoap call. the php-soap call still works as expected. Do you have any Idea what could cause this problem or what I can do to fix it?

This is a var_dump of the params given to the nusoap call. I cannot see anything that looks line a std object.

array(4) {
  string(32) "7199b31458b...session ID"
  string(3) "111"
  array(41) {
    string(3) "111"
    string(1) "1"
    string(1) "2"
    string(4) "riud"
    string(4) "riud"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "3"
    string(17) "some@mail.box"
    string(17) "some@mail.box"
    string(10) "newPassword"
    string(4) "someMailbox"
    string(4) "5000"
    string(4) "5000"
    string(28) "/var/vmail/mail.box/some"
    string(7) "maildir"
    string(1) "0"
    string(0) ""
    string(0) ""
    string(10) "/var/vmail"
    string(1) "n"
    string(19) "Out of office reply"
    string(0) ""
    string(1) "n"
    string(1) "y"
    string(1) "n"
    string(1) "y"
    string(1) "n"
    string(1) "n"
    string(1) "n"
    string(1) "n"
    string(1) "n"
    string(1) "n"
    string(1) "n"
    string(1) "n"
    string(1) "n"
    string(4) "none"
    string(1) "1"