f0rb1dd3n / Reptile

LKM Linux rootkit
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hide process error in centos6.8 #81

Closed wulasite closed 4 years ago

wulasite commented 4 years ago

the kernel version: 2.6.32-642.el6.x86_64 I think it will work in this kernel . but when I run /reptile/reptile_cmd hide 2992 it return Failed! the pid just a nohup ping process.I have test it in ubuntu18.04. I see you have test in 2.6.32-754.6.3.el6.x86_64, but why it doesn't work in 2.6.32-642

wulasite commented 4 years ago

I reinstall the system and kernel-devel. it work.

f0rb1dd3n commented 4 years ago

I haven't had the chance of answer, hahaha, but thank you for sharing your solution. I am glad to hear it still working in oldest kernels in CentOS 6.

wulasite commented 4 years ago

I haven't had the chance of answer, hahaha, but thank you for sharing your solution. I am glad to hear it still working in oldest kernels in CentOS 6.

I think the reason is the kernel-devel dependency.my centos kernel is 2.6.32-642.But when I run "yum -y install kernel-devel.x86_64" , the version is 754. But I don't know how to install 642 version through yum , so I use the rpm.