f0y / due_date_reminder

Redmine plugin that sends notifications
29 stars 43 forks source link

Need help in configurations #51

Open xcellenceit opened 8 years ago

xcellenceit commented 8 years ago

I would like to have a following reminders:

  1. Email reminder, that following list of tasks are planned to start today
  2. Email reminder, that following list of tasks are due today
  3. Email reminder, with list of overdue tasks

Only once in a day. Everyday.

Kindly advise, if this can be supported from plugin?


VerODyne commented 8 years ago

I like due_date_reminder and its bastard cousin redmine_reminder. They are very targeted and do due_dates (and only due_dates) well, for assigned users. If anyone wants start_date_reminder, watcher_reminder, or some other variant, please look at redmine_mail_reminder -- it can support a very diverse set of date vs person vs role conditions upon which to trigger emails.

To answer your question: 1) NO, no fields other than due_date. 2) YES. Set your days_before value to '0' such that it will be caught by the math "due_date - today = 0". 3) YES, inherent with due_date_reminder. Whereas the questionable fork redmine_reminder has implemented an optional global ignore_pastdue.

The mail is consolidated per user and will include all relevant issues clearly marked as "overdue" or coming soon. It is not one mail per issue or one mail per project or one mail per due_date schedule.