f1linux / pi-ap

Raspberry Pi wireless Access Point: This repo automates the config of hostapd, dnsmasq, dhcpcd & wpa_supplicant to transform a Pi into an AP. Requires: a Pi, Ethernet cable & DHCP-enabled port on a broadband router or a switch connected to this router. For other interesting & practical Pi solutions, my Stack page is: https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/users/97613/f1linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
85 stars 18 forks source link

Add a VPN client #2

Open DarKOrange75 opened 4 years ago

DarKOrange75 commented 4 years ago

Hi, great script, thank you. Just a suggestion for an improvement. Would it be possible to add VPN connection configuration on the ethernet port ?

f1linux commented 4 years ago

Thanks! Always nice to hear positive feedback and thanks for your star! I'm in the middle of a contract, so work on this when I have some free cycles. The design of the system is really modular, so adding features shouldn't be too difficult. Can look at doing this sometime in maybe Jan/Feb depending on my workload-

DarKOrange75 commented 4 years ago

That would be awesome, thank you again for your great work ! My plan is to share an IKEV2 VPN connection through a Wifi access point.