f1linux / pi-ap

Raspberry Pi wireless Access Point: This repo automates the config of hostapd, dnsmasq, dhcpcd & wpa_supplicant to transform a Pi into an AP. Requires: a Pi, Ethernet cable & DHCP-enabled port on a broadband router or a switch connected to this router. For other interesting & practical Pi solutions, my Stack page is: https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/users/97613/f1linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
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To fast reboot at the end of the install.sh script ? #3

Open Falcon64 opened 4 years ago

Falcon64 commented 4 years ago

I had a lot of problems with the script. Sometime I could not get internet access on the AP.

I think the problem was that the raspberry pie rebooted to fast at the end of the installation script. Looks like all the configuration did not have time to write the data from memory to the SD card before it rebooted. Maybe the last commands in the script was not saved ?

I put an sleep 10, command at the end of the installation script before the reboot so all the files was written to the card. At this time I had no problem. Maybe I had an slow SD card or something. It was on an Raspberry Pi 3B+

echo "WIRELESS:" echo "##########" echo "Output of: $(tput setaf 9)iw dev wlan0 info$(tput sgr 0)" iw dev wlan0 info echo echo "Output of: $(tput setaf 9)iwconfig wlan0$(tput sgr 0)" iwconfig wlan0 echo

echo "Config Completed. Host will reboot now" sleep 10 echo systemctl reboot

f1linux commented 4 years ago

During coronavirus lockdown I was going to spend some time on pi-ap, so I'll see if I can recreate your issue shortly. pi-ap has been out since last summer, but first time I've heard about this issue. (Maybe others have had it but not reported it). Just in the middle of upgrading my BIND infrastructure so need to kill that off before context switching. Much thanks for the feedback to help improve pi-ap!

marcnadeau commented 4 years ago

I did try the script on a Pi 4 and could not see the AP in my list of Wi-Fi networks... Stumbled upon this post, re-flashed the device and added a 30-second sleep at the end of install script and it did work for me too! Thanks @Falcon64

@f1linux your script is really nice!