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JavaScript & Graphics Engineer(s) at Phase #786

Open hungchi-phase opened 3 years ago

hungchi-phase commented 3 years ago

(English Below)

Contact https://phase.recruitee.com/

認識 Phase

我們幫助人們 Enjoy Being Creative。

Meet Phase — { hi! } Phase.com Phase Youtube


因為網站和 app 的互動設計對於視覺化工具而言過於複雜,大多數人認為數位設計必然是由設計師加上前端工程師共同完成。但是,設計師需要的是不用寫程式的設計工具。

Phase 幫助設計師無須撰寫程式,並且可以直覺性地完成互動等完整功能的設計工作,並消除阻礙創意工作上的痛點。


世界各地的設計師均相當期待 Phase 的問市:截至目前,Phase 的 beta 測試名單已經有超過 25,000 名設計師,並且有超過 30 家知名企業的設計團隊直接與我們的團隊進行面對面的交流。在 2019 年 8 月時,Phase 團隊亦從國際投資人中取得 280 萬美元的高額種子期投資。

截至目前為止,alpha 版本已經開發了有 2.5 年時間。Phase 是一個耗費時間、人力開發的高難度技術產品,是我們大多數團隊成員所經歷過最艱難、但也是最有價值的的產品開發過程。我們深信 Phase 將以前所未見的方式讓全球數百萬設計師和前端工程師 Enjoy Being Creative。



我們努力將公司文化落實在每天的實際工作當中,而不只是掛在牆上的標語海報。公司所有成員每週都會一同討論公司文化,持續改善公司文化落實在工作中的做法。或許你對 我們的管理開發理念 也感興趣。



這是我們在辦公室時的會議日。除此之外,我們每天早上在 Slack-standup 之後就是自己安排自己的時間跟行程。






我們用 JavaScript (ReactJS) 開發 Phase 前端,圖形渲染使用 WebGL,並在後端以 NodeJS & Go 實作 CRDT 等演算法。

當然,也有 CI / CD / Testing 的標準流程。


團隊目前有 12 人。8 位工程師,2 位設計師,1 位 CTO 和 1 位 CEO。其中工程團隊有 3 位前端工程師,2 位圖形渲染工程師,2 位後端工程師以及 1 位 DevOps/QA 工程師,目前團隊成員皆為多年經驗的資深工程師。

我們正在尋找重視公司文化,對於幫助人們 Enjoy Being Creative 具備熱情、具備獨立作業能力(工作、開源或個人專案)的資深 JavaScript (Frontend 和 Backend) 或 Graphics 工程師。


1.8M NTD - 我們相信整個團隊的公平與共享


Meet Phase

We help people Enjoy Being Creative.

Meet Phase — { hi! } Phase.com Phase Youtube


Most people believe modern design must inevitably be done by designer-coder hybrids, because websites/apps are just too complex and too dynamic for a visual tool. One without code, that fits a designer's mindset.

We are building Phase to remove these painful barriers to creativity. To help designers create fully-functional interfaces, interactions, and layouts in an intuitive no-code way.


Phase has the global design community excited: 25k+ designers in our beta-list, and more than 30 top-companies' design teams working face-to-face with our team. International investors have backed the team with a large $2.8M USD seed, most recently in August 2019.

It's a hard-tech product that is time-consuming to build. It's the hardest project most of our team has ever worked on. But also the most rewarding, promising to uniquely reshape how millions of designers and engineers Enjoy Being Creative.

We have been building for 2.5-years (so far) with working alpha.

Company Culture & Work-Style

We care (a lot) about culture.

We work hard to turn our culture into real-world practice, rather than just posters on the wall. We talk about culture every week, with every member of our team, working to practically improve our implementation in the real-world and squash "culture bugs" when we find them. Maybe you'll interest in our Engineering Culture, here.

We work in a semi-remote style. We have an office near Taipei Main Station. We meet here regularly every Monday and every 2nd-Friday. Sometimes we have ad-hoc meetings here as well, when we need to have an important discussion or a whiteboard.

This face-to-face communication is important for us: it's something we care deeply about and so these face-to-face meetings are why our whole team is based in Taipei. However, most days you'll find us working independently, from home or a coffee shop.

It's only meeting-days when we're in the office. Otherwise, we grab a coffee, and work on our own schedules from around the city, after a Slack-standup each morning.



We build product in Taipei and do marketing and sales in Germany, with an English-speaking team in Taipei, mixed between Taiwanese and people from all over the world.

We hope to work with people who believe in the long-term future of Taiwan tech, and want to get personally involved in shaping it. Oh, and we can provide immigration/visas, to relocate to Taipei, Taiwan if you're not yet here.

Tech Stack

Phase is built on JavaScript with a React interface. Our graphics rendering is WebGL, and we build a collaborative backend on algorithms like CRDT in NodeJS and Go.

Of course with standard good practices in CI/CD/Testing as well.

Current Team

Today our team is twelve-people. Eight engineers, two designers, one CTO, and one CEO. Now we have 3 frontend engineers, 2 graphic engineers, 2 backend engineers, and 1 DevOps/QA engineer. We all senior engineers in our team.

We're looking for new team members who care deeply about culture and helping people Enjoy Being Creative. Senior JavaScript or Graphics engineers who are experienced working independently (at work, or in open-source/side-projects).

Salary & Shared Ownership

1.8M NTD - we believe in fair, Shared Ownership across our team.

sharils commented 2 years ago

Hi @hungchi-phase - Is this still open?