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【遠端全職】Aha/前端網頁開發工程師 |Senior Front-End Developer |(Remote) JavaScript / Html / CSS #929

Open Oasis456 opened 2 years ago

Oasis456 commented 2 years ago


本司是一家來自矽谷的新創軟體公司,由來自Stanford 史丹佛和 MIT 麻省理工學院的校友共同創立。我們的創辦人、投資者與顧問團隊皆擁有科技業、金融和管理諮詢的豐富經歷,致力於創造非凡的軟體解決全球用戶的問題!

是否非常嚮往不受時間與空間拘束的企業制度?沒錯! 來自矽谷與紐約的新創公司,跳脫傳統企業思維,營造自由扁平的美式環境!

我們的團隊正在不斷孵化與成長,期許能與有才華和優秀的 [資深] 前端網頁開發工程師合作!

如果你: 渴望自己決定工時,彈性上下班的制度 渴望遠端自由的環境,想逃離辦公室 渴望有挑戰、發展和前景的新創領域 渴望在團隊中擁有參與感和主導權 具有創業和冒險精神,不害怕未知的挑戰 對國際市場有熱情和野心,未來想到美國工作

你就是我們在尋找的 [資深] 前端網頁開發工程師!希望我們的新創團隊成為你理想與事業啟航的起點!

We are a venture-backed, full-remote, growth-stage fintech startup, founded by Stanford and MIT engineers from Silicon Valley. Our team has experience in entrepreneurship, finance, and consulting in NY, SF, and Chicago. We are incubating a product and looking to hire an all-star team that can grow the business. Joining this team will put you at the forefront of startup innovation. You will be able to scale a first in class product. Our team is made up of builders, and you should be no exception!



As a front-end web/app developer, you are responsible for making the web app UI of each product, designing the API with mockups/use case/user journey/story provided by the designer and back-end engineers. You have to participate in APP web view development and also the campaigns and sales events development. You will also implement A/B testing and maintain the website for the company’s products. What It’s Like to Work Here as a Front-End Engineer?

  1. Our web front-end stack includes JavaScript, React and Material UI (MUI).
  2. Our mobile front-end stack is built on ReactNative.
  3. Our front-end engineers have a lot of pride in their work, and are motivated by good design. We ask for pixel-perfect front-end work, so we use Figma to test if the front-end is pixel-perfect with the original Figma design.
  4. Teamwork
    • Collaborate with a multidisciplinary team to: design, develop, and document APIs, SDKs, and other services or tooling from inception to deployment
    • Participate in code review with others to improve your work as well as theirs
    • Write well-designed, reusable, and testable service and library code that you and other software engineers are happy to maintain
    • Work with other engineers across the company to build delightful features that span various parts of the system
    • Collaborate with our design team to understand and solve our users’ pain points
    • Improve engineering standards, tooling, and processes
    • Building new tools for our internal teams
    • Exercise ownership and accountability over your work
  5. API building Design, build, and maintain APIs, services, and systems Building a new API for our users, or iterate on existing APIs
  6. Troubleshooting and debugging
    • Troubleshoot, debug, and upgrade existing software systems, including the development and integration of new components or automation pipelines when necessary
    • Debug production issues across services
  7. Launching daily new market, feature, or product


    • 資訊、電腦工程、電機,相關學科
    • 兩年以上的程式學科或工作實習經驗
    • 現代全端開發 JavaScript (Node, Express, React, Redux)、Django、Rails、HTML、CSS 經驗
    • 數據庫經驗(如 PostgreSQL,MySQL,MongoDB)
    • 測試QC經驗(如 QUnit,Mocha,Jasmine,RSpec)
    • 虛擬化經驗(如 Docker,K8S)" Front-End Development Experience:
  8. Information technology, Computer Engineering related background studies.
  9. Two or more years of coding experience or internship with a similar job
  10. Experience in website framework (JavaScript, React and Material UI (MUI))
  11. Experience in Database (PostgreSQL, SQL Server)
  12. Experience in QC test (QUnit, Mocha, Jasmine, RSpec).






  1. 可配合個人職涯規劃,自由選擇長期或短期工作
  2. 時間彈性、遠端工作(無硬性規定上班時間,也無須進辦公室,只要按時完成份內工作即可)
  3. 績效獎金


【公司詳細資訊】 投履歷與面試前,請先閱讀:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ppLfTjQUuwtkfruzP7_5zDA_9SaFeZ4Lk5D1Wv8Vr94/edit#

【申請流程】 有興趣請填寫此申請表,上傳履歷表,並預約線上面談。 https://2bs9m2ujxlo.typeform.com/to/EtSnVwYW

Please read our Pre-Interview Info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ppLfTjQUuwtkfruzP7_5zDA_9SaFeZ4Lk5D1Wv8Vr94/edit# APPLY NOW: https://2bs9m2ujxlo.typeform.com/to/EtSnVwYW

RobYang203 commented 2 years ago
