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Wicked AI missions for your server
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static ai island issue #175

Open ShyVicZ opened 4 years ago

ShyVicZ commented 4 years ago


i have static ai vehicles driving around the Island but whenever they fire 1 bullet they get kicked out and there vehicle blows up

also the heli wont spawn for some reason everything else will


worldwidesorrow commented 4 years ago

I would need to see associated errors in the server rpt.

Qenobie commented 4 years ago

Sorry to bother you....Im new.... Im a Fan of your work and videos of how to add mods and addons to Arma... Problem....Taviana Server..... Trying to do a Static Mission on an Island..... -Static/Default and put in coords for where i wanted the mission spawns -Static/Config changed Custom world to True. Probably way off especially since its not working :D.... Any Help is appreciated friend. Thank you for sharing your knowledge...I wouldnt have gotten as far as I have in this without you.

worldwidesorrow commented 4 years ago

If you are doing custom world, then you need to create a file for that world. If you are using taviana then you need to have tavi.sqf or taviana.sqf depending on which version of Taviana you have.