f3cuk / WICKED-AI

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Armored vehicle abuse #5

Closed nerdalertdk closed 10 years ago

nerdalertdk commented 10 years ago

Found this, might be a way to go _veh = vehicle _unit; if ((_veh isKindOf "GAZ_Vodnik") or (_veh isKindOf "BRDM2_Base")) then { SPAWN TANK };

f3cuk commented 10 years ago

Not bad. But spawning the tank kinda fucks the mission for everyone.. What about we setup a 360 tank trap parameter around the area and place some mines around them? Both the mines and tanktraps get cleared on mission end.

nerdalertdk commented 10 years ago
private ["_trigger", "_trigger_pos", "_trigger_area", "_angle", "_radius", "_distance", "_count", "_step"];
_trigger_pos = _mission_position;
_angle = 0;  // leave it at 0
_radius = 400; // needs to be a circle with equal a and b
_distance = 2; // meters
_count = round((2 * 3.14592653589793 * _radius) / _distance);
_step = 360/_count;

for "_x" from 0 to _count do
    private["_pos", "_sign"];
    _a = (_trigger_pos select 0) + (sin(_angle)*_radius);
    _b = (_trigger_pos select 1) + (cos(_angle)*_radius);

    _pos = [_a,_b];
    _angle = _angle + _step;
    _sign = createVehicle ["Hedgehog", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

might be doable with this, taken from an safezone script.

f3cuk commented 10 years ago

Yeah that was what i was thinking aswell. Hope to have some spare time tonight so i can work on this.

nerdalertdk commented 10 years ago

Hmm when i think about it I don't think a "wall" in the solution. It will take away the immersion and perople can drive away in the mission vehicles

f3cuk commented 10 years ago

It will be both a global and mission option, so admins can switch it off and mission builders can choose not to use it. By default i only want to use it on the hard missions like Ikea, Bandit Base, MV-22 and disabled milchopper. Seems realistic cause the worth of the loot seems to be something they'll want to defend.

nerdalertdk commented 10 years ago

Now this could be fun :smile:


nerdalertdk commented 10 years ago

More in #25