Closed SJossy closed 10 years ago
I dont know how infistar works, but is it not possible to check something like
if(!infistar_enabled) then {
if (_validspot && [_position, wai_near_town] call isNearTown) then {_validspot = false;}; //diag_log("WAI: Invalid Position (Town)");
At least people without infistar wouldn't be limited.
I would assume so, if it's not then infiSTAR is bad :)
I mean without having to set a global var ourselves. Does infistar set a var like that when it is loaded? And also when does it load? Before or after WAI?
I'll make my next commit (which is a big one coming soon) include the check for it.. its (!isNil 'fnc_infiSTAR_Publish')
and it loads from compiles so it should be safe to check that
Nice, what are you working on? I still want to do some work on the position finder cause it often finds spots that should be blacklisted.
I'm working on that right now just trying to get the infistar check in, after that ill do a commit so you can sync it up then I can go and have dinner and just do general bugtesting
Nice, i'll start doing some more testing today. I still find that often AI spawn in and get killed instantly. This is possibly cause of the surrounding buildings, want to test a little more with the "FORM" attribute or just change their spawn location away from the objects.
Also thinking about taking out the smoke shell by default, those things seem to cause extreme frame drop.
Thinking about replacing it with a flag that either spawns in by default and changes when the mission objective is achieved (hero <> bandit) or spawns in when the mission is done.
The flag would be cool, sorry about that latest commit, don't know what all the merge fuss is about :(
Yeah me neither, did'nt change anything since last night..
Can no longer check nearby towns in position logic until we find an alternative