f3cuk / WICKED-AI

Wicked AI missions for your server
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Feature Request #91

Closed Gumdro closed 9 years ago

Gumdro commented 10 years ago

In the next update can you add an option to have multiple mission running at the same time. If I have time I will write the code myself and make a pull request if that is ok with you.

f3cuk commented 10 years ago

Hey Brandon,

I think we already have that on the current version with the Hero and Bandit missions. We were planning on adding optional side missions to a future update but right now feel like we don't have enough content (missions) for them. Basic groundwork for that has however been done.

If you are interested in helping this mod and feel like you have something to contribute, please feel free to do so. Just remember to fork the Testbranch and work on that since the master only gets updated for bug patches and new releases.

Both Jossy and me like our code clean, but judging from your other projects there is nothing to worry about on that department.



Gumdro commented 10 years ago

Thanks, I will be making some minor mission that come up but don't show you their exact location on the map. For example there is a rogue bandit sniper in x city, he would be carrying maybe 2 10oz of gold and a nice gun. I always liked the idea of micro mission that where harder to locate but are meant for solo players to complete. I will make a pull request when I am finished if you want to include it.

BTW I didn't see the multi-mission release until I looked today so ignore my original post about that, you guys have been busy keep up the good work.

f3cuk commented 10 years ago

Yeah that sounds good. I'd love to have those on our server.

nerdalertdk commented 10 years ago

could you but in a timer that the missions starts with 10-15 min after each other, last night i had to mission starting with 30. and only read have the TITLE text of the firste file..

f3cuk commented 10 years ago

I like that idea, maybe when a new mission tries to start check if another has started the last X seconds. If true then postpone mission start with x minutes. Dont think we need that on the side missions but the main mission should have that.

SJossy commented 10 years ago

done both of these, will update testbranch after some testing

Gumdro commented 10 years ago

Just to give an update, I am slowly working on making micro missions and will hand it over with a pull request when I have made 6 or 7 of them. I am currently working on mission 2 between work and classes so I may have it to you maybe by this weekend.

f3cuk commented 10 years ago

Nice I'm hoping to get some testing done this weekend, so that would be awesome :)