Closed tomtastic closed 9 months ago
Last time I tried, including libiio was problematic.
So I had a look at building manually on MacOS (Ventura 13.6.1), as it seems that as libiio
should build by default (assuming "-DENABLE_EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES=ON"), so the ADALM Pluto should be supported without doing anything special.
Whilst doing that I discovered :
Of the external libraries that get pulled down during the build, LAME
was failing to build it's frontend binaries (which we dont need) due to:
parse.c:417:34: error: call to undeclared function 'id3tag_set_comment_ucs2'; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
So I made a small change to the configure parameters to disable building the LAME frontend binaries :
I've created a PR for this LAME
frontend build bug, though it's perhaps unrelated to why libiio
doesn't appear in the current MacOS releases?
Then I hit a problem building UHD (for USRP?) due to:
/tmp/sdrangel-20231220-29072-lc7i06/sdrangel-7.17.2/build/external/uhd/src/uhd/host/lib/usrp/mpmd/sim_find.cpp:13:10: fatal error: 'Python.h' file not found
I've no idea why this happens, as we're passing in -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/opt/homebrew/bin/python3
to cmake, and I can see the compilation added the appropriate include path -I/opt/homebrew/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/include/python3.11
, which I confirmed contains the expected Python.h
To workaround this, I added -DENABLE_USRP=OFF
Is this related to UHD missing as reported here ?
Though I can now successfully build (around 1h10mins on my M1 MBP), I am struggling to get cmake to set my the rpath appropriately for the installed location so it can find the shared libraries it's built. I think mostly a success though?
Yeah, it's not building libiio that's the problem, it's getting a packaged build that runs correctly.
I have a lot to learn yet about cmake, but I'm hoping I can figure out the rpath business.
I'm not aiming for a packaged build, but rather a Homebrew formula something like :
class Sdrangel < Formula
desc "SDR Rx/Tx software for Airspy, Airspy HF+, BladeRF, HackRF, LimeSDR, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR, SDRplay RSP1 and FunCube"
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "ad24bfdd19a641de38afeaae8bca2c8dccdd7229573535070d2a120583524d18"
license "GPL-3.0"
depends_on "cmake" => :build
depends_on "python"
depends_on "qt5"
def install
ENV.deparallelize # the formula will fails if building in parallel
# ENABLE_EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES (ON) - We want libiio, etc to be pulled down and built!
# ENABLE_USRP (OFF) - /build/external/uhd/src/uhd/host/lib/usrp/mpmd/sim_find.cpp:13:10: fatal error: 'Python.h' file not found
system "cmake", "-S", ".", "-B", "build", *std_cmake_args, "-DENABLE_EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES=ON", "-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/opt/homebrew/bin/python3", "-DENABLE_USRP=OFF", "-DBUNDLE=ON", "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release", "-DCMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH=1", "-DCMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH=1"
system "cmake", "--build", "build"
system "cmake", "--install", "build"
test do
# `test do` will create, run in and delete a temporary directory.
# This test will fail and we won't accept that! For Homebrew/homebrew-core
# this will need to be a test that verifies the functionality of the
# software. Run the test with `brew test sdrangel`. Options passed
# to `brew install` such as `--HEAD` also need to be provided to `brew test`.
# The installed folder is not in the path, so use the entire path to any
# executables being tested: `system "#{bin}/program", "do", "something"`.
system "false"
Just uploaded a new arm64 dmg that should include Pluto drivers and libiio. I don't have one to test it with, so let me know how you get on.
Thank you. I can confirm that I can see the Pluto plugins are there and load OK, and I can add a Pluto Rx device, however I'm away on vacation still and dont have my actual SDR to test with.
I installed the latest sdrangel-7.18.0-macx64.dmg on and Intel X64 Mac and the Pluto SDR is not in the list of selectable devices. Is there a way to check if this build supports the Pluto SDR on X64 Mac?
I installed the latest sdrangel-7.18.0-macx64.dmg on and Intel X64 Mac and the Pluto SDR is not in the list of selectable devices. Is there a way to check if this build supports the Pluto SDR on X64 Mac?
It's not currently in the X86 build. You'd have to compile it yourself.
7.18.1 x86 build should have pluto support included - but I don't have one, so can't test if it works or not.
7.18.1 works perfectly on my x86 Mac and the Pluto. Thank you!
Should now be supported on both x64 and arm64.
Thanks @srcejon, I did have a play with it last week (no free time :<), and it seemed to work well, despite me not having any luck getting any sound of it, but thats probably my issue.
This doesn't appear to be enabled currently in the latest MacOS builds (7.17.2) ?
I would like to see all of this in the MacOS builds if possible? :
plugin enabled