f5devcentral / BigStats

Push BIG-IP stats to remote destinations: http(s), statsd, etc
MIT License
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ERROR EMFILE - Local (undefined:undefined) - unclosed sockets? #98

Open simageye opened 4 years ago

simageye commented 4 years ago

Version 0.5.1 After few hours no stats-data are going to be send from the f5 anymore.

tail -100f /var/log/restnoded/restnoded.log

--> info: Unable to retrieve device-info, Error: undefined info: [BigStatsExporter - ERROR] - getPoolMemberStats(): Error: connect EMFILE - Local (undefined:undefined) ... ... buildMediumStatsObject()... ... getPoolMemberStats() ... ... buildMediumStatsObject() ... ... getVipStats() ... ... buildMediumStatsObject() ... ... pullStats() ... ... getPoolMemberStats()... ... buildMediumStatsObject()... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

lsof -i -n -P | grep restnoded

5-rest-n 25275 restnoded 4052u IPv4 762514718 0t0 UDP :52974 ... many many many with different UDP:PORTS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

ps aux | grep 25275

root 6339 0.0 0.0 103344 832 pts/0 S+ 14:55 0:00 grep 25275 198 25275 2.9 0.6 1225876 52804 ? Sl 03:13 20:26 /usr/bin/f5-rest-node /usr/share/rest/node/src/restnode.js -p 8105 --logLevel finest -i /var/log/restnoded/restnoded.log -s none ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Do you think it is a code bug that sockets are not going to be closed anymore?

At a closer look it is the statsd module which is used in bigstats-exporter.js

simageye commented 4 years ago

$ bigstart restart restnoded fix it temporarily but it is NOT a proper solution.