f5devcentral / f5-icontrol-powershell-snapin

PowerShell Snapin for F5's iControl SOAP Library
MIT License
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Update classes to be compatible with the LocalLBPool interface #2

Closed csharris closed 1 year ago

csharris commented 8 years ago

Since version 11.0.0, the interface LocalLBPoolMember has been deprecated and the functionality has moved into the LocalLBPool interface. I noticed this change while looking at the WSDL at this partial link: /iControl/iControlPortal.cgi?WSDL=LocalLB.PoolMember.

Are there any plans to add classes similar to those in iControlSnapIn.CmdLet.LTM.PoolMember to use the types declared in the LocalLBPool interface?

At this point, if I wanted to use the command Set-F5.LTMPoolMemberState, I'm forced to either supply an object of type LTMPoolMemberItem (which is from the old interface), or I need to supply the member which uses the CommonIPPortDefinition type. It would be fantastic if these commands supported types from the LocalLBPool interface and the CommonAddressPort type.

joepruitt commented 8 years ago

Honestly, the cmdlets were originally written as some simple use cases and I quickly found out that they didn't completely satisfy ~75% of the users full needs. So, I've suggested migrating to using Get-F5.iControl and internal interfaces directly. It's doesn't give you all that native cmdlets do, but you do have access to all of the types in the native library. So, for pool you can use (Get-F5.iControl).LocalLBPool.get_member(); If you have additional cmdlets you would like seen added, feel free to submit a set of changes and I'll get them merged in.

csharris commented 8 years ago

Thanks for responding Joe. I'll go ahead and use the library directly for what I'm trying to accomplish :)

adam-f5 commented 1 year ago

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