f5devcentral / vscode-f5-chariot

Providing mobility from one tool to the other...
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Option To Change Working Directory Path #1

Closed El-Coder closed 3 years ago

El-Coder commented 3 years ago

I'm on a mac and run into issue since file path doesn't have quotes.

So for example this fails: docker run --rm -v /Users/El-Coder/Projects/Conf:/app/data f5-appsvcs-charon:1.8.0 -o data/converted.as3.json -c data/toConvert.conf --unsupported --unsupported-objects unSupported.json

But this works: docker run --rm -v "/Users/El-Coder/Projects/Conf":/app/data f5-appsvcs-charon:1.8.0 -o data/converted.as3.json -c data/toConvert.conf --unsupported --unsupported-objects unSupported.json

So similar to how fields for the docker image and output file can be changed if there was another field for changing the file path that would be great!

DumpySquare commented 3 years ago

Just made some updates for you.

Try out the latest here: https://github.com/f5devcentral/vscode-f5-chariot/releases/tag/v0.4.0

Let me know if this fixes your issue or if we need to do more tweaking!

El-Coder commented 3 years ago

Perfect this works!