fO-000 / bluing

An intelligence gathering tool for hacking Bluetooth
GNU General Public License v3.0
742 stars 99 forks source link

I can't run the command as sudo #43

Open RuXBee opened 1 year ago

RuXBee commented 1 year ago

Pyhton version: 3.10.5 Python package installed with each version:

Package                       Version
----------------------------- ----------
alabaster                     0.7.13
appdirs                       1.4.4
attrs                         22.2.0
Babel                         2.12.1
bluepy                        1.3.0
bluescan                      0.8.10
bluing                        0.12.0
btatt                         0.0.19
btgatt                        0.0.22
bthci                         0.0.44
btl2cap                       0.0.11
btsm                          0.0.16
cattrs                        22.2.0
certifi                       2022.12.7
charset-normalizer            3.1.0
colorama                      0.4.6
configobj                     5.0.8
dbus-python                   1.3.2
distlib                       0.3.6
docopt                        0.6.2
docutils                      0.19
esbonio                       0.16.1
exceptiongroup                1.1.0
filelock                      3.9.0
future                        0.18.3
halo                          0.0.31
imagesize                     1.4.1
iso8601                       2.0.0
Jinja2                        3.1.2
junit-xml                     1.9
log-symbols                   0.0.14
lsprotocol                    2023.0.0a1
lxml                          4.9.3
ntplib                        0.4.0
numpy                         1.25.2
packaging                     23.0
pip                           23.2.1
pkginfo                       1.9.6
platformdirs                  2.6.2
pycairo                       1.24.0
pygls                         1.0.1
Pygments                      2.14.0
PyGObject                     3.46.0
pyserial                      3.5
pyshark                       0.6
pyspellchecker                0.7.1
python-gitlab                 3.12.0
PyYAML                        6.0.1
requests                      2.28.2
requests-toolbelt             0.10.1
serial                        0.0.97
serial-tool                   0.0.1
setuptools                    58.1.0
six                           1.16.0
snowballstemmer               2.2.0
Sphinx                        6.1.3
sphinxcontrib-applehelp       1.0.4
sphinxcontrib-devhelp         1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp        2.0.1
sphinxcontrib-jsmath          1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-qthelp          1.0.3
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.5
spinners                      0.0.24
termcolor                     2.3.0
typeguard                     2.13.3
virtualenv                    20.17.1
xpycommon                     0.0.25

Whe I try to run this command: python3 -m bluing br --inquiry the reported message will be:

Can't init device hci0: Operation not permitted (1)
        HciRuntimeError: "Command 'hciconfig hci0 up' returned non-zero exit status 1."

Finally, I have tried to enter the command as sudo, but something were wrong...

/usr/bin/python3: No module named bluing

I am confused because I really don't know how to fix the problem.

Could anyone help me? Thanks in advance!