fabarea / media

Media management system for TYPO3 CMS
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Uncaught Exception - UriViewHelper in TYPO3 8.7.3 #187

Closed stekna closed 7 years ago

stekna commented 7 years ago

using uri viewhelper for a pdf file link i get the following uncaught exception (typo3 8.7.3). with typo3 7.6 the viewhelper works well.

<a href="<m:file.uri file="{file}"/>" target="_blank" ></a>

#1256475113: The argument "file" was registered with type "File|Content|int", but is of type "Fab\Vidi\Domain\Model\Content" in view helper "Fab\Media\ViewHelpers\File\UriViewHelper". (More information)

InvalidArgumentException thrown in file
/www/htdocs/t35/typo3_src-8.7.3/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/Core/ViewHelper/AbstractViewHelper.php in line 335.
stekna commented 7 years ago

do only i get this error or how can I create links to (pdf) files?