fabfuel / prophiler

PHP Profiler & Developer Toolbar (built for Phalcon)
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Official PSR-7 and PSR-15 support #65

Open sagikazarmark opened 7 years ago

sagikazarmark commented 7 years ago

Would be nice to have official PSR-7 Request DataCollector, and PSR-15 middleware for integration.

I am aware of the already existing package (https://github.com/bitExpert/prophiler-psr7-middleware), but would be nice to have it OOTB, also the middleware is not PSR-15 compatible.

If you like the idea, I would be happy to work on a few PRs.

(I opened this PR because as far as I can see you have no problem with supporting third-party within this package)

fabfuel commented 7 years ago

Hi @sagikazarmark,

sure, those PRs would be welcome!

Best Fabian