removes workaround in SerenityStepExtension as net.thucydides.core.steps.StepInterceptor#executeTestStepMethod now properly detects as assumption violation (and does not consider it an error as before).
steps after a step with assumption violation are now ignored (instead of skipped)
verified with JUnit4 that this is the desired behaviour. Before the behaviour was different, because a assumption violation was handled liked an error and in case of an error
following steps are skipped. The workaround mentioned above was not able to fully correct this.
net.thucydides.core.steps.BaseStepListener#stepIgnored => SKIPPD if previous step failed; IGNORED if e.g. previous had a assumption violation
Testcontainers currently includes a dependency to Junit4 which we don't want to have. Therefore Jnit4 is excluded in each testcontainers dependency
The required JUnit4 rule support is covered by a dependency to JUnit5 junit-jupiter-migrationsupport
Junit rule needs to be on the classpath, because BrowserWebDriverContainer extends FailureDetectingExternalResource which extends org.junit.rules.TestRule
now properly detects as assumption violation (and does not consider it an error as before).net.thucydides.core.steps.BaseStepListener#stepIgnored
=> SKIPPD if previous step failed; IGNORED if e.g. previous had a assumption violationjunit-jupiter-migrationsupport
which extendsorg.junit.rules.TestRule