fabianonline / OctoPrint-Telegram

Plugin for octoprint to send status messages and receive commands via Telegram messenger.
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Alternative to Pillow? #22

Open fabianonline opened 8 years ago

fabianonline commented 8 years ago

Right now the plugin has Pillow as dependency - just to rotate the pictures from the webcam if necessary. But it is a really huge dependency taking a looooooong time to install on a Raspberry 1. Perhaps there is something more lightweight we could use for this task?

derpicknicker1 commented 8 years ago

Maybe PIL? I use this to resize the user images

fabianonline commented 8 years ago

Pillow is a fork of PIL which has last been updated in 2009.

derpicknicker1 commented 8 years ago

Image manipulation and processing using Numpy and Scipy http://www.scipy-lectures.org/advanced/image_processing/#geometrical-transformations

shaiss commented 8 years ago

Octoprint already has an option to rotate the webcam. Could that not be used?

fabianonline commented 8 years ago

No. Octoprint just tells the browser to rotate the video stream. We can't do that with telegram. Although... perhaps we could just set that EXIF flag that is also used by digital cameras or smartphones to indicate the rotation of the image...?

derpicknicker1 commented 7 years ago

See also #61