fabianonline / OctoPrint-Telegram

Plugin for octoprint to send status messages and receive commands via Telegram messenger.
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Faulty output of height with the printing end with 10mm #385

Open Newbie-2 opened 2 years ago

Newbie-2 commented 2 years ago


Whenever the printing is finished, I'll leave with me component height with {z}.

However, the same height is spent 10.0mm with each component, which is wrong. The information of the height {z} during a layer change we output correctly each time.

Specification: Printer = Artillery Genius

PrintDone: Druck erfolgreich fertig {emo:check} {file}
Druckzeit: {time_done} Bauteil Höhe: {z} mm

ZChange: -- Z-Change -- Bed-Temperatur: {bed_temp} °C Extruder-Temperatur: {e1_temp} °C Aktuelle Höhe: {z} mm Druck-Ende: {time_finish} Verbrauchte-Zeit: {time_done} = {percent}% Rest-Druckzeit: {time_left}

Octoprint GCODE Scripts Nach Vollendung eines Druckjobs: M140 S0 ; Heat Bed ausschalten M106 ; Luefter 100 Prozent M109 R50 ; PAUSE und Nozzel auf 50Grad abkuehlen lassen M104 S0 ; Extruder ausschalten G28 Y0 ; Home Y Position G1 X0 Y180 F2000 ; Heat Bed um 180mm nach vorne fahren M84 ; Stepper Treiber ausschalten M106 S0 ; Luefter AUS

CURA: Ende G-CODE: G91 ; Relative Position vom aktuellen Punkt G1 Z+10 E-20 F9000 ; Filament 20mm zurueck und Z 10mm hoch G90 ; Absolute Position zum 0 Punkt M104 S0 ; Extruder ausschalten M140 S0 ; Heat Bed ausschalten M107 ; Luefter ausschalten G1 X0 F2000 ; Nozzle nach Links fahren M300 P300 S4000

Newbie-2 commented 1 year ago

Doesn't another user have the same problem?