fabianonline / telegram_backup

Java app to download all your telegram data.
GNU General Public License v3.0
450 stars 91 forks source link

Added simple docker file to run release in a container #37

Closed luckydonald closed 7 years ago

luckydonald commented 7 years ago

It downloads the zip from the releases, instead of compiling it, but it allows to run it on a docker server.

So could (should) be improved but maybe is a starting point.

Usage something similar to this:

docker build . -t tg-dl:1.0.5-test.5
docker run -it --rm --name=tg_dl -v "/data/telegram-downloader:/data" tg-dl:1.0.5-test.5 
# now you should be inside the container
java -jar telegram_backup.jar --target '/data/' --help
fabianonline commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot for this. I'm using docker a lot, so I'm quite surprised I've never thought about providing the necessary files myself... :D