fabianschuiki / OpenSkyscraper

Open source tower simulation game inspired by SimTower.
GNU General Public License v2.0
574 stars 68 forks source link

Multiplayer and Online Gaming #28

Open fabianschuiki opened 13 years ago

fabianschuiki commented 13 years ago

Here are a few thought on what in my opinion would be great to have in the game.:


We need some kind of scenarios and/or a campaign mode where the player may try to accomplish given tasks. This shouldn't be too hard to do.


Like all games today, we need an achievement system where the player can collect trophies while playing the game. Something along the lines of:

We need a central server where players can have an account on. This account should hold the global gameplay information associated with the user. This includes said achievements, scenarios accomplished, hours played, records (tower height, width, value, population, etc.), and maybe also the towers themselves.

Gaming Servers

There's a dedicated server version of the game which doesn't include any of the graphics stuff. This server should be easy to extend and tie into and existing gaming platform. Like setting up the validation of a player trying to log into the server for playing via a HTTP request. This will allow server providers to setup their own account system, have their player register there and do the account checking on their own.

crazy2be commented 13 years ago

Everything here looks good, but a lot of it will be in version 2.0 :). We have to be careful about trying to add too much functionality at this point, or we'll never get the darn thing completed. We can (and should) always add extra functionality after we get a working and reasonably stable product.

I'm not sure the best way to decide what we want to achieve when would be, perhaps separate github milestones for each large-scale concept, with sub-tasks as issues? Would tagging issues work better? Wiki pages? I'm not incredibly familiar with how projects generally manage things like this on github, and from what I've seen, every project seems to do it differently. Pick whatever system works for you, and i'll follow along :).

Skaty commented 13 years ago

Why not allow them to create their own scripts, running on the server? That way, you would not have to meddle around with validation and such. Maybe, allow the scripts to draw their own GUI on the client's screen, allowing them to have "custom" login pages or loading pages.

Furthermore, there should be two types of servers, a master one and a slave one. The slave server would run individual "games" while the server could oversee the "games" and hence, allowing a community to run several tower games at once.

Just some though, although server-client interaction should not be the pressing issue, while trying to get it to SimTower's par would be the first priority.

fabianschuiki commented 13 years ago

I also agree that we should get it to SimTower level first. I like the idea about scripts running on the server that may create UI on the client side. Yet I think that such a login mechanism will be used quite a lot, so it would be quite nice to have that in the game already.