Open hm68 opened 2 years ago
Hi, I am sorry that with the information given, there is little I can do. Is the espee package placed in your catkin_ws/src folder? Does it compile properly? You said you built rpg_dvs_ros properly but are you able to run their examples? In other word, can you run the slider_depth.bag and view the events without the espee package?
@fabien-colonnier I do appreciate your attention.
I clone this repository in catkin_ws/src folder and it compiles properly. I could run slider_depth.bag and see the running of bag file and its rendering. But when I run roslaunch espee readbag_sliderExp.launch
, I got the same error.
I am unable to replicate your error. On my system, once I clone the repo, run "catkin_make" or "catkin build" and, source the workspace I can run the launch file correctly. I found out that a yaml file was not found though, so I updated the path in the launch file but I don't think it is related to your problem. I am using ubuntu 20.04 with ros-noetic FYI.
I really do appreciate your attention and repose. I solved the problem. There is some problems in addressing and name of files in launch file. I just want to know that how can I run the ESPEE for my own camera? I used the run live of the ros packege of "rpg_dvs_ros" but I have problem to use ESPEE for my own camera. FYI, I have the yaml file of camera and copy it in config file and change the serial number and yaml file name in steroe_live.launch. I would really appreciate if you can help me in this regard.
Great that you solved your initial problem. For the benefit of future user, could you explain your solution. Thank you in advance! Which camera are you using? If it is not one that is supported by rpg_dvs_ros, you might have to look for an equivalent for your own.
@fabien-colonnier I do appreciate your attention and your commitment to answer my problems.
At first, I run
and then clone the repository. Also, there is some misspelling in launch file. For example:
should be changed to Slider_param.yaml
In yaml file the address of PCDfile_path
should be changed.
However, the example run for me but after a while it was crashed and the error was "could not read the PCD file".
I use dvxplorer camera and I used the ROS package of rpg_dvs_ros for my own camera. I would appreciate if you can guide me to use your method for pose estimation of my camera. I do appreciate in advance.
Hi. Thanks for sharing your code.
I have a problem to run the example. I build the rpg_dvs_ros package but I have a problem in running the
roslaunch espee readbag_sliderExp.launch
. I changed the path of bag file inespee/launch/readbag_sliderExp.launch
.The error is
RLException: [readbag_sliderExp.launch] is neither a launch file in package [espee] nor is [espee] a launch file name The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
I source the bash file before thatsource ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
but I still have a problem.I would appreciate if you can help me in this regard.