fabien-d / alertify.js

JavaScript Alert/Notification System
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Android 2.3 - Phonegap - Click problem #128

Open kaansoral opened 11 years ago

kaansoral commented 11 years ago


I've noticed that while log or success is shown, nothing else on the page can be clicked, only the log itself, becomes really annoying if alertify is used heavily. (3.8)

Android 2.3/Phonegap is one of the worst environments out there, I suspect the animations alertify uses might be causing the problem, tho I'm not sure. For example the sweep in, sweep out animations cause the page to flicker, which is annoying, so an option to cancel css3 animations could be nice, however there is no evidence supporting this causes the click problems.

Any ideas?

fabien-d commented 11 years ago

I don't have that combination to test with. I did pull up a Android 2.3 emulator on browserstack and wasn't able to recreate the issue.

I was able to create new logs while the page showed other logs. And I also couldn't recreate the page jump. Any chance you could provide steps to recreate or a demo link - can direct message a link if you don't want to post public.


Could you also test the demo site (http://fabien-d.github.com/alertify.js/) with the Android device see if you can reproduce? It may be a conflict between alertify.js and something in phonegap.

kaansoral commented 11 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, I was thinking how this could be reproduced, but I guess an android 2.3 device is a must if the problem is indeed what I described it is, so I will experiment a bit, also try the things you suggested and get back here.

fabien-d commented 11 years ago

any updates on this? If it's no longer an issue I will be closing the issue.

kaansoral commented 11 years ago

No improvements, I've tested new version on Android devices, any version I tested seemed buggy, for example on Android 4.2.2, alert log shows but never hides etc, there are that kind of bugs, so I sticked to version 0.3.8

Most probably the cause of the issues are animations, and android webkit's own bugs

On Android 4.2.2, instead of a click issues, the alert logs were showing twice, I managed to reduce it to 1 with these styles: .alertify-hide,.alertify-show,.alertify,.alertify-log,.alertify-log-success,.alertify-text{ -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); -webkit-perspective:5000; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; }

Generally, imo, android versions are really buggy, and to make things work, instead of improvements, one requires workarounds for known bugs, I mostly gave up on Android 2.3's issues, the above fix solved it for 4.2.2