fabien-d / alertify.js

JavaScript Alert/Notification System
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Update alertify.default.css #203

Closed jpalomar closed 5 years ago

jpalomar commented 10 years ago

https://github.com/fabien-d/alertify.js/issues/187 : submit a base theme;

revised top-level .alertify rules and moved background rules to its children;

removed border styling except for input element; perhaps bump up the border width from 2px to 3px to really make it look like a text input

revised .alertify-buttons to use avoid using position styles; added color palette for button-cancel and button-ok;

revised .alertify-title to override default margins inherited from p elements and bumped up its font-size slightly to attract more attention to the message;

added vendor prefixes for box-sizing; added IE fallback for backgrounds with opacity;

removed .alertify--alert .alertify-buttons:after rule because of .alertify-buttons revisions;

added box-shadow to alertify-body;

added consistent background alpha settings for alertify-body's children elements

screen shot 2014-01-26 at 4 29 31 am

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screen shot 2014-01-26 at 4 33 48 am

screen shot 2014-01-26 at 4 32 32 am

screen shot 2014-01-26 at 4 34 37 am

screen shot 2014-01-26 at 4 32 51 am

fabien-d commented 10 years ago

thanks for the PR but this isn't the look and feel direction I'm looking for. If you want to keep playing around with styles, feel free to update this PR or even just post screenshots in the issue itself (#187) so we can have some open discussion around the overall direction.

I'm looking for something much simpler and not as obtrusive. Cheers,

fritx commented 10 years ago

It's cool, but the base color is a bit weird ;)

fabien-d commented 10 years ago

the base colour is really more of a "wireframe" approach. I want to get a theme before I release 0.5.0 - but I would like to keep it more on the subtle side