fabien0102 / gatsby-starter

Gatsby 2.0 starter with typescript and many cools dev tools
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Next branch error eslint-config-react-app missing #76

Open i001962 opened 6 years ago

i001962 commented 6 years ago

New laptop = new challenges.

Fresh laptop with only Node, Yarn and Gatsby-cli installed: When following instructions on Next branch the Gatsby develop failed with Error: Cannot find module 'eslint-config-react-app'

I ran this to resolve the issue: gatsby-starter-next kmm$ yarn add eslint-config-react-app babel-eslint@^7.2.3 eslint@^4.1.1 eslint-plugin-flowtype@^2.34.1 eslint-plugin-import@^2.6.0 eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y@^5.1.1 eslint-plugin-react@^7.1.0 --dev

Not sure if it's assumed that Lint is installed but maybe it shouldn't be.

-Noob trying to help.

i001962 commented 5 years ago

@fabien0102 I may have just messed up by pushing a new package-json to master in an attempt to resolve this issue. I should have created a pull request. Sorry if this causes you a headache.

the xo test shows a build failing. Warning: React version not specified in eslint-plugin-react settings. See https://github.com/yannickcr/eslint-plugin-react#configuration. The react/jsx-space-before-closing rule is deprecated. Please use the react/jsx-tag-spacing rule with the "beforeSelfClosing" option instead. gatsby-node.js:40:1 βœ– 40:1 Expected indentation of 10 spaces but found 8. indent βœ– 83:1 Expected indentation of 10 spaces but found 8. indent

I'm looking into this and will attempt to correct with PR. Sorry about this. Feel free to rollback the push I accidentally made if that's easier.

fabien0102 commented 5 years ago

@i001962 Don't worry, it happens, it's strange that travis doesn't complain πŸ˜…

If you open a PR to fix this, I will approve it and merge it with pleasure :)

Note: Normally we have merged the next branch in master, are you talking about master or I am missing something πŸ€”

i001962 commented 5 years ago

I had originally opened this issue in the next branch but ran into on master after the merge with next. So I tried to fix it but caused the Travis failure. I can’t seem to figure out how to resolve that.