Closed stonegithubs closed 1 year ago
Here the same receipt:
use escpos::printer::Printer;
use escpos::utils::{protocol::Protocol, *};
use escpos::{driver::*, errors::Result};
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let items = vec![
Item::new("Macbook Pro", 2500.00, false),
Item::new("Macbook Air", 1500.00, false),
Item::new("iMac", 3000.00, false),
Item::new("AirPods", 200.00, false),
Item::new("iPhone", 1000.00, false),
Item::new("iPad", 800.00, false),
Item::new("Apple Watch", 400.00, false),
let subtotal = Item::new("Subtotal", items.iter().fold(0.0, |acc, item| acc + item.price), false);
let tax = Item::new("Tax", subtotal.price * 0.20, false);
let total = Item::new("Total", subtotal.price + tax.price, false);
let driver = ConsoleDriver::open();
let mut printer = Printer::new(driver, Protocol::default());
printer = printer
.size(2, 2)?
.size(1, 1)?
for item in items {
let item: String = item.into();
printer = printer.write(&item)?;
printer = printer.bold(true)?;
let subtotal: String = subtotal.into();
let tax: String = tax.into();
let total: String = total.into();
printer = printer.write(&subtotal)?;
printer = printer.write(&tax)?;
printer = printer.write(&total)?;
pub struct Item {
pub name: String,
pub price: f32,
pub symbol: bool,
impl Item {
pub fn new<T: AsRef<str>>(name: T, price: f32, symbol: bool) -> Item {
let name = name.as_ref().to_string();
Item { name, price, symbol }
impl From<Item> for String {
fn from(item: Item) -> Self {
let right_cols = 10;
let left_cols = 30;
let left = format!("{: <width$}",, width = left_cols);
let right = format!("{: >width$.2}", item.price, width = right_cols);
format!("{}{}\n", left, right)
I will add more examples once I've completed the graphics integration and crate documentation.
I hope I've answered your question.
This code is of great help to me, I learned a lot, thank you very much!
Thank you for the code!
This project is great, can it support print order receipt with table, similar to the following example: