fabienrenaud / java-json-benchmark

Performance testing of serialization and deserialization of Java JSON libraries
MIT License
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purejson #29

Closed fabienrenaud closed 5 years ago

fabienrenaud commented 5 years ago

@senthilganeshs Benchmark results for 1k and 10kb payload sizes:

> ./run ser --number 1 --size 1 --datatype users --libs dsljson,jackson,gson,purejson

Benchmark                                            Mode  Cnt        Score        Error  Units
c.g.f.j.databind.Serialization.dsljson              thrpt   20  1600130.125 ± 105871.557  ops/s
c.g.f.j.databind.Serialization.gson                 thrpt   20   372033.482 ±   8600.692  ops/s
c.g.f.j.databind.Serialization.jackson              thrpt   20  1122738.748 ±  21220.747  ops/s
c.g.f.j.stream.Serialization.gson                   thrpt   20   210726.631 ±   6953.823  ops/s
c.g.f.j.stream.Serialization.jackson                thrpt   20  1135966.308 ±  20753.129  ops/s
c.g.f.j.stream.Serialization.purejson               thrpt   20    87267.470 ±   7013.756  ops/s
> ./run deser --number 1 --size 1 --datatype users --libs dsljson,jackson,gson,purejson

Benchmark                                              Mode  Cnt        Score       Error  Units
c.g.f.j.databind.Deserialization.dsljson              thrpt   20  1017786.077 ± 20595.380  ops/s
c.g.f.j.databind.Deserialization.gson                 thrpt   20   404392.733 ± 13022.553  ops/s
c.g.f.j.databind.Deserialization.jackson              thrpt   20   648595.515 ± 12330.432  ops/s
c.g.f.j.stream.Deserialization.gson                   thrpt   20   445471.812 ±  8592.022  ops/s
c.g.f.j.stream.Deserialization.jackson                thrpt   20   686998.255 ±  9455.726  ops/s
c.g.f.j.stream.Deserialization.purejson               thrpt   20   111206.371 ±  4537.862  ops/s
> ./run ser --number 1 --size 10 --datatype users --libs dsljson,jackson,gson,purejson

Benchmark                                            Mode  Cnt       Score       Error  Units
c.g.f.j.databind.Serialization.dsljson              thrpt   20  306419.558 ± 87824.092  ops/s
c.g.f.j.databind.Serialization.gson                 thrpt   20   39883.074 ±   594.521  ops/s
c.g.f.j.databind.Serialization.jackson              thrpt   20  125152.840 ±  2515.142  ops/s
c.g.f.j.stream.Serialization.gson                   thrpt   20   22485.891 ±   516.397  ops/s
c.g.f.j.stream.Serialization.jackson                thrpt   20  120796.531 ±  2419.617  ops/s
c.g.f.j.stream.Serialization.purejson               thrpt   20    7676.677 ±    38.556  ops/s
> ./run deser --number 1 --size 10 --datatype users --libs dsljson,jackson,gson,purejson

Benchmark                                              Mode  Cnt       Score      Error  Units
c.g.f.j.databind.Deserialization.dsljson              thrpt   20  121735.126 ± 2969.042  ops/s
c.g.f.j.databind.Deserialization.gson                 thrpt   20   53680.683 ± 1345.554  ops/s
c.g.f.j.databind.Deserialization.jackson              thrpt   20   76225.780 ± 2291.763  ops/s
c.g.f.j.stream.Deserialization.gson                   thrpt   20   56002.167 ± 2232.072  ops/s
c.g.f.j.stream.Deserialization.jackson                thrpt   20   83582.129 ± 3474.568  ops/s
c.g.f.j.stream.Deserialization.purejson               thrpt   20   13134.700 ±  769.453  ops/s
senthilganeshs commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot. !