fabiocaccamo / python-benedict

:blue_book: dict subclass with keylist/keypath support, built-in I/O operations (base64, csv, html, ini, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xls, xml, yaml), s3 support and many utilities.
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Benedict with Realtime Sync accross Processes #381

Closed fire17 closed 7 months ago

fire17 commented 7 months ago

Hi there, hope you are well Working on my own solution but I thought to come and ask here, maybe you already have a standard way of doing this....

I want a realtime performant live sync of data between two dicts in different running python processes

The following is just a simplified example that should hopefull get my point across Starting python3 ServiceA.py && python3 ServiceB.py

from benedict import benedict
shared = benedict(sync="shared_namespace")
shared.A = "Service A is LIVE 123"

#output: {"A": "Service A is LIVE 123", "B": "Service B is LIVE 456"}
from benedict import benedict
shared = benedict(sync="shared_namespace")
shared.B = "Service B is LIVE 456"

#output: {"A": "Service A is LIVE 123", "B": "Service B is LIVE 456"}

Basically making a common dict between both runtimes. Please let me know the adviced way to achieve this Thanks a lot and all the best!

PS - if you got an answer for multi proccess shared dict, let me know if it also supports syncing with processes over the network, (having a commin url instead of a namespace) and doing the same but with programs running on different machines

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fabiocaccamo commented 7 months ago

@fire17 this is a very interesting feature, unfortunately I have not a standard way for doing it, if you come up with a solution I will be happy to discuss it together.

fire17 commented 7 months ago

@fabiocaccamo thanks I will let you know! Meanwhile Polar.sh looks awesome How'd you setup the issues to auto append their message?

fabiocaccamo commented 7 months ago

Meanwhile Polar.sh looks awesome

Yes it looks a great idea and they are pushing it well and fast! ... anyway no one is using it on my repositories yet.

How'd you setup the issues to auto append their message?

It's an option they offer, then everything is automated.

fire17 commented 7 months ago

@fire17 this is a very interesting feature, unfortunately I have not a standard way for doing it, if you come up with a solution I will be happy to discuss it together.

Hi Fabio! @fabiocaccamo been exited to come back and share progress, for the past 2 weeks i was completely in devmode haha To give you some context, I've been developing similar packages for the past 5 years, went through about 5-6 implementations and am happy to declare that this one is based off of benedict :)

I call it xo() (stands for xobject or expando obj) and is designed to be the primitive foundation for many advanced applications (like the one discussed in this issue)

It's basically a wrapper around an expando (like how you do dynamic keys) but adds a default value key for each dict which means that it can keep holding children, even after it has been set, or re-set

Another thing it does is exposes and runs _onchange_ and _subscribe_ whenever a value changes, which means you can hook anything into it, making it super easy to create more advanced objects like:

[Examples Below]

- xoRedis - realtime synced objects

- auto saves every key by id & value
- listens/publishes on changes
- easy as using a dictionary or object
- syncs in real time across processes! **(as promised in the issue)**
- use Upstach or another Web Exposed Redis Server for multiprocessing across Networks!

- xoServer[ZMQ] - call functions from other services

- uses zero to create a request/response server, which allows for multiprocess function calls with high performance
- decorate functions to easily expose them to other processes
    # programA.py
    def image_generation(prompt, style="4k realistic")
- call it from another process! 
    # programB.py
    image = myxo.api.img.gen("A beautiful sunrise", style="vibrant colorful")
- your dict/obj turned into an easy api

- xoBranch - Multiverese object, changeing a value creates a new branch (in dict/in reality)

- setting `xo.a.b.c = 'new value'` will not overwrite any value in `c` instead it will save it to `c[1]`
- use `xo.a.b[3].c[1] = 'xxx'` to explicitly edit a value in branch[id] (overwrites)
- entire history tree is preserved, navigate and move the current branch,
- good for easy versioning, edits, ctrl+z/y branched mechanism, ai conversations with edits
- xoBranch(xoRedis) makes it persistant and realtime multiprocessed dictionary

- xoJS - reatime sync with JS<>Python

- DOM <- JS <-> PY -> DB    :    synced objects 
- change a value in the BE - see it immediately change in the front end!
- change a value in the FE - get it immediately in the BE and decide how to deal with it
- beautiful object syntax, expandoJS, easy as pie link to xoServer[FastAPI/other]

- xoAtom - atomic ai object (wip)

- a small agentic object with special capabilites, (wraps a model/multi-model/multi-modal)
- function calling for any function inside itself 
- user.chat memory persistance, branching support & navigation, included feedback, stars, bookmarks and more
    - auto improve its own prompts, benchmark variations (based on human/ai self-feedback pipeline)
- self reflective - meaning that its prompts (system, user, and agent) are dynamic - auto formatted with data inside it
 - able to set (all/subset) of internal or external attributes
 - cached & persistant adaptive function/skill library,
     - doesnt need to generate code it already wrote, can just call it
     - can expand it's library and improve it (like Voyager)
     - can share library with other agents
 - easy api & frontend with xoServer/REST/socket/Embeded/MagicLLight/whatsapp/etc (streaming included)
 - seemless agent-to-agent conv
 - uses OpenRouter to compress pipeline and skip llm calls where possible, adaptive retroactive
     - for example it will call a strong model to produce code, but a weak model to call it (to enter params appropriately)
 - easyRAG coming soon - common files lookup, import oai and other's history, your youtube comments, etc
 - GMoE - Global Mixture of Experts (Top Level MoE with all agents in the world, decentralized)
 - 3Party apis, web researcher, aider text-code, open-interpreter computer control, and other ai/non-ai tools
 - Many more from the AI Bingo

More Special objects coming soon, see Vision & xoObjects page for the full list (wip)
[currently on branch xo1]


Basic with benedict

>>> from benedict import benedict
>>> ben = benedict(keyattr_dynamic=True)
>>> ben.a = 1
>>> ben.a.b = 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'b'

Basic with xo

>>> from xo import xoBenedict
>>> xo = xoBenedict()
>>> xo.a.b.c = 3
>>> xo.a.b.c.d.e = "Hello Fabio :)"
>>> xo.show()
xoBenedict =
    xoBenedict.a =
        xoBenedict.a.b =
            xoBenedict.a.b.c = 3
                xoBenedict.a.b.c.d =
                    xoBenedict.a.b.c.d.e = 'Hello Fabio :)'
>>> xo
{"a": {"b": {"c": {"value": 3, "d": {"e": 'Hello Fabio :)'}}}}}

inheritance and _onchange_ hook:

>>> class Foo(xoRedis):
>>>     def _onchange_(self, id, value, *args, **kwargs):
>>>         if isinstance(value, int):
>>>             changedValue = value * 10
>>>             self.meta.event = ["adding metadata and changing value"]
>>>         return value
>>> foo = Foo()
>>> foo.test.a = 5
>>> foo
{"test" : {"a" : {"value" : 50, "meta" : {"event": ["adding metadata and changing value"]}}}}

subscribe to value change hook (using xo.bar @= foo aka __imatmul__)

# subscribe to any key with any function
>>> xo.bar @= lambda v, *a, **kw: print(f"::: Bar ::: {kw['_id']} changed to {v} with params {a}, {kw}") 
::: Subscribed to xo.bar
>>> xo.bar = 100
::: Bar ::: xo.bar changed to 100 with params [], { '_id' : 'xo.bar' }

xoRedis - local/upstash - 2 processes side by side view

xoBranch - editing and navigating object's history

Rich Support - xoRedis, xoBranch, and all other xo's

xoJS - py<>js realtime objects

xoAtom - run & orchestrate dynamic ai agents

# basic
>>> # no need for templates, and passing keys, 
>>> atom.system.default = "Always start by greeting the customer to {business.name}. use their name if available "
>>> atom.business.name = "Ace's Beers"
>>> atom.users['user1'].name = "Fabio" 
>>> atom.chat("Hi", user="fabio", streaming=True)
"Hi Fabio welcome back to Ace's Beers, how can we help you today? :) the ususal?"
will edit to add more code & screenshots soon

i still need to refactor, cleanup, publish to pip, write/gen tests, docs, move off of benedic[all] as it has a cold-start, etc but i feel like it's stable enough for me to present, Hopefully you can be one of the alpha testers of this version :) I hope you'll find it super usefull

Let me know if i can reach you, before or after you play with it, there's a lot todo, and i would love some help or advice and opinion on a couple them

Thanks a lot and have a good one!

Ps. sorry if it was alot at once haha, when i make a good building block i start building with it 🧱 🏡 🏭 🚀 🎸 All the best!

fire17 commented 7 months ago

I did promise screenshots @fabiocaccamo haha

realtime sync of dict/object across processes (+rich support)

image what you see here is an xoBranch, an advanced form of xo that creates a new branch when a value changes but both it and normal xo, are synced in realtime between processes, can trigger events, and be easily saved and loaded

if you couldnt tell from my last comment, i use xo as a portal to achieve various scenerios just made great improvement with xoJS, which also updates data on the web in realtime and synced with python after consolidating i'll resume xoAtomAI which is an agentic object, with self reflection, persistant mem & skill lib, and research and communication abilites.

let me know what you think, ill post more demos as they're ready

fire17 commented 7 months ago

and a taste of xoJS image

fabiocaccamo commented 7 months ago

@fire17 thanks for sharing your solution, I'm also glad you based it on python-benedict and I hope to have the time to try it soon!

I close this issue since it's not a feature request nor a bug report!