fabiokr / sublime-related-files

A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to list related files
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Add per-project settings #6

Open Iristyle opened 11 years ago

Iristyle commented 11 years ago

I thought that this was a general feature of Sublime, but it turns out that it's not.

Essentially, I would like to add a "RelatedFiles" section to the .sublime-project file to make the configuration project specific.

For instance, with SublimeLinter I can have something like the following in my Demo.sublime-project file.

      "path": "..\\Demo",
    "tab_size": 2,
        "javascript":"c:\\Program Files (x86)\\nodejs\\node.exe",
        "css":"c:\\Program Files (x86)\\nodejs\\node.exe"
      "sublimelinter_delay": 0.3,
      "sublimelinter_gutter_marks": true,
      "sublimelinter_popup_errors_on_save": true,
      // http://www.jshint.com/options/ for more info. eval *NOT* allowed
        "indent": 0,
        "evil": false,
        "regexdash": true,
        "browser": true,
        "wsh": false,
        "trailing": true,
        "sub": false
        "no_tabs":                { "level": "error"  },
        "no_trailing_whitespace": { "level": "error"  },
        "max_line_length":        { "level": "error", "value": 80 },
        "camel_case_classes":     { "level": "error"  },
        "indentation":            { "level": "error", "value": 2 },
        //TODO: https://github.com/clutchski/coffeelint/issues/50
        "no_implicit_braces":     { "level": "ignore"  },
        "no_implicit_parens":     { "level": "ignore" },
        "no_trailing_semicolons": { "level": "error"  },
        "no_plusplus":            { "level": "ignore" },
        "no_throwing_strings":    { "level": "error"  },
        "cyclomatic_complexity":  { "level": "ignore", "value": 11 },
        "line_endings":           { "level": "ignore" },
        "no_backticks":           { "level": "error" },
        "no_stand_alone_at":      { "level": "error" }
      // Set to true to highlight annotations
      "sublimelinter_notes": true,
      // The set of annotation phrases to highlight
      "annotations": ["TODO", "README", "FIXME", "HACK"]

I would like to be able to add a "RelatedFiles" section just like the "SublimeLinter" section, that would look something like.

"RelatedFiles": {
  "patterns": {
    // AngularJS constructs

    // AngularJS tests

I've run out of time to figure out how to do this, but I'm sure it's somewhere in their code -> https://github.com/SublimeLinter/SublimeLinter

maximeaubaret commented 10 years ago

I'd like to have this too, since i'm working with different projects types. It also simplifies collaboration. :+1: @Iristyle

fabiokr commented 10 years ago

Added on 2232a4772a, could you give it a shot?