fabiomsr / MoneyTextView

A simple Android TextView to display amounts of money in different formats.
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Data binding not supported. #11

Open maxAman opened 6 years ago

maxAman commented 6 years ago

when I am trying to set , app:amount="@{data.totals.subTotal}" then the issue occurs. Please do something

dphans commented 4 years ago

I think this is not issue. You can custom binding adapter:

object MoneyTextViewBindingAdapter {

    @BindingAdapter(value = ["moneyTextViewValue", "moneyTextViewSymbol"], requireAll = false)
    fun moneyTextViewValue(sender: MoneyTextView, value: Float?, symbol: String?) {
        sender.setAmount(value ?: 0.0f, symbol ?: "")

And in layout xml file, use your custom binding adapter instead of library attribute amount:

    moneyTextViewSymbol="@{ presenter.defaultCurrency.symbol_native }"
    moneyTextViewValue="@{ safeUnbox(viewModel.thisMonthExpensed) }"
    android:layout_height="wrap_content" />