fabioravila / rivescript-csharp

A RiveScript interpreter for C# .Net. RiveScript is a scripting language for chatterbots. http://www.rivescript.com
MIT License
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Bug in Util.Substitute #4

Closed JohnDuncanScott closed 7 years ago

JohnDuncanScott commented 7 years ago

begin.txt main.txt

The method of using Rot13 to do substitutions does not seem to be robust.

Attached are the RS files I was using. This is taken partially from the Eliza template on the RiveScript website.

Input: he's an idiot Actual output: Why are you concerned over my vfbus31tor an idiot? Expected output: Use: https://www.rivescript.com/try with the Eliza template (the default one) - this shouldn't match anything at all

fabioravila commented 7 years ago

Fixed tnks for your help I just leav Rot13 behind and use a indexed placeholder like JS version.