fabiospampinato / vscode-terminals

An extension for setting-up multiple terminals at once, or just running some commands.
MIT License
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Different key for different terminals #40

Open nirvananas opened 4 years ago

nirvananas commented 4 years ago


I am currently unable to link different keys to different couple {terminal+command} using runTerminalByName.

My Keybindings.json is as follow { "key" : "ctrl+[Backquote] ctrl+numpad1", "command": "terminals.runTerminalByName", "args" : ["term1"] }, { "key" : "ctrl+[Backquote] ctrl+numpad2", "command": "terminals.runTerminalByName", "args" : ["term2"] }

my terminals.json is { "autorun": false, "terminals": [ {
"name" : "term1", "focus" : true, "command" : ["python run.py -nr nr -nt nt"] }, {
"name" : "term2", "focus" : true, "command" : ["python run.py -nr nr"] } ] }

Would you know where is the pb ? runTerminal can open simultaneously my terminals and run the command defined for each of those, but nothing happens when i'm workin with runTerminalByNames.


fabiospampinato commented 3 years ago

"terminals.runTerminalByName" might be buggy.