fabiospampinato / vscode-todo-plus

Manage todo lists with ease. Powerful, easy to use and customizable.
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Support assigning dates #191

Open sahil48 opened 5 years ago

sahil48 commented 5 years ago

Oftentimes, in any given task, I put times in the day when I want to work on the task: for example

- 10am-1pm Task 1 // could just be time range in the day
- 1pm-3pm 4pm-5pm Task 2 // More than one range of times can precede the task to be completed
- 2019-05-05 3pm-5pm // To be more specific, dates can precede the time range

It would be great if todo-plus could highlight a task or the times at the start of the task when the current time matches the scheduled time for a task.

(Edited to change the bullets into dashes, as they would be in vs-code)

fabiospampinato commented 5 years ago

Seems a bit too specific to my likings, perhaps the @due tag could come in handy for this too?

sahil48 commented 5 years ago

The issue I have with start, done, and due tags is that they are usually intended for a single time, rather than a time range. I kind of treat Todo-plus as a calendar, where the days are projects, and the tasks are grouped by the day they should be done. I'm trying to think of how scheduling of tasks throughout the day can be implemented as a part of todo-plus and this is along the lines of what I've been using as a syntax in my taskpaper documents. I suppose instead of a @due tag, I'm looking for something along the lines of an @work-on tag that would let todo-plus tell me when to work on a task or set of tasks throughout the day, by emphasizing it in the document, somehow.

fabiospampinato commented 5 years ago

Sounds like a fair use case, I'm not sure what the best way to support this use case would be though. I don't particularly like adding a new tag just for this 🤔 Perhaps the @due tag could support date ranges or something? 🤔

sahil48 commented 5 years ago

Maybe. I'm not sure @due is the right word for the feature, but I wouldn't mind seeing it added in the tag. Regarding date ranges, time ranges or day ranges that do not depend on date are also useful. When you have a project listing recurring tasks, any time the time of interest is reached, todo-plus would be able to inform the user that the task should be worked on.