fabiospampinato / vscode-todo-plus

Manage todo lists with ease. Powerful, easy to use and customizable.
MIT License
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keyword with "-" #396

Open LeninZapata opened 2 months ago

LeninZapata commented 2 months ago

When I create a word to display in the sidebar in settings, it doesn't work when the word has a "-" Does anyone know how to make it work with a hyphen "-"?


It is in my confusion, where the key word is QUE-ES

"((?:<!-- *)?(?:#|// @|//|./\\*+|<!--|--|\\* @|{!|{{!--|{{!) *(?:FIXME|CORREGIR|FIX|ARREGLAR|BUG|ERROR|UGLY|FEO|DEBUG|DEPURAR|HACK|TRUCOS|QUE-ES)(?:\\s*\\([^)]+\\))?:?)((?!\\w)(?: *-->| *\\*/| *!}| *--}}| *}}|(?= *(?:[^:]//|/\\*+|<!--|@|--|{!|{{!--|{{!))|(?: +[^\\n@]*?)(?= *(?:[^:]//|/\\*+|<!--|@|--(?!>)|{!|{{!--|{{!))|(?: +[^@\\n]+)?))": {
            "filterFileRegex": ".*(?<!CHANGELOG.md)$",
            "decorations": [
                    "overviewRulerColor": "#cc0000",
                    "backgroundColor": "#cc0000",
                    "color": "#1f1f1f",
                    "fontWeight": "bold"
                    "backgroundColor": "#cc0000",
                    "color": "#1f1f1f"