fabiospampinato / vscode-todo-plus

Manage todo lists with ease. Powerful, easy to use and customizable.
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Todo files with multiple projects in a workspace #397

Open tmaoz opened 3 weeks ago

tmaoz commented 3 weeks ago


I have a workspace with many projects. I created a "TODO" file in the root of one of the projects (actually the last project I added out of some 10 projects in this workspace) but it does NOT appear in the list in the sidebar. When I click on the "open" button on the todo panel, it opens a new "TODO" file in the first project in my workspace.

This leads me to believe it doesn't really look at any other project in the workspace when looking for TODO file. Can this be possible? I was trying to figure out the issue but can't find any kind of output or debugging information from the extension anywhere?


tmaoz commented 3 weeks ago


I went to the first project root in my workspace and deleted the empty "TODO" file that was created there. Then, when I click on the "open" button for the "Files" section in the Todo panel, it actually opens the correct TODO file. However, the "Files" list in the side panel is empty and nothing appears there:


I guess this is a different issue then?

tmaoz commented 3 weeks ago

I seem to have stumbled on the issue that causes this. Apparently there a folder in one of the projects in the workspace (not the one with the above TODO) for which my user doesn't have access permissions. This causes an error to be thrown by VS Code. I assumed that despite this error the extension would continue to scan for TODO files but it looks like it just crashes that scanning and it stops at that point.

I added the path to the exclude list and no everything seems to be working.

You should make sure to continue scanning despite such errors even when raising an error with VS Code.
